*** Command Line Compiler Setup Notes Your command line compiler tools must be set up properly. Note that you have an option of installing the command line tools (or not) when your compiler is first installed. Refer to your compiler manufacturer's manual for details. If necessary, you can increase the size of your environment table space (to 1024 for example) by adding SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /e:1024 /p to CONFIG.SYS in C:\ and then rebooting. Yes, this works for all versions of Windows, including Windows NT. For ALL compilers, your path should point to the compiler BIN directory. For example, to add "C:\BC50\BIN" to your existing path, use PATH C:\BC50\BIN;%PATH% *** MICROSOFT Set LIB and INCLUDE environment variables. For example, SET INCLUDE=C:\MSVC\INCLUDE SET LIB=C:\MSVC\LIB *** BORLAND Check that TURBOC.CFG, BCC32.CFG, TLINK.CFG, and TLINK32.CFG all have the correct information in them, as they should have when your compiler was installed. Set the INCLUDE environment variables. For example, SET INCLUDE=C:\BC50\INCLUDE BRCC doesn't use any *.CFG files, but will use INCLUDE if set as above. If "SET LIB=" is used, it MUST point Borlands LIB directory. Assuming that TURBOC.CFG is correct, it is best to clear the LIB environment variable with SET LIB= *** WATCOM Set the WATCOM environment variables to point to your compilers include (H) and BIN directories. For example, SET INCLUDE=C:\WC106\H;C:\WC106\H\NT SET WATCOM=C:\WC106 SET EDPATH=C:\WC106\EDDAT SET WWINHELP=E:\BINW The above commands should be executed from a batch file. For example, create the file USE_MSC.BAT containing the 3 lines PATH C:\MSVC\BIN;%PATH% SET INCLUDE=C:\MSVC\INCLUDE;C:\MSVC\MFC\INCLUDE SET LIB=C:\MSVC\LIB;C:\MSVC\MFC\LIB Then type USE_MSC to set up your compiler's command line tools. Alernatively, you can put "CALL USE_MSC" into you AUTOEXEC.BAT file.